Police to receive data on returning travelers from Population and Immigration Authority, say they will step up checks on those in isolation

Twenty new cases on Tuesday marks largest single-day jump as authorities tighten restrictions on public gatherings in bid to stop spread of COVID-19

European country now has more virus cases than anywhere but China; travel links with outside world thrown into chaos after shutdown

One woman forced to choose between staying and taking care of elderly parents in Milan, or staying with her 3 kids in Israel in wake of harsh quarantine rules in both countries

Cleveland-area man in his 50s employed by Jewish Education Center of Cleveland and lay leader at Toronto’s Beth Sholom Synagogue diagnosed after returning from DC

Airline expects massive loss in revenue, near total halt to operations for 3 months, is already burdened by $1.6b upgrade to fleet

Liaison suggests exceptions will be made for Palestinians in Jordan who want to come home; also says goods between West Bank and Jordan will continue to flow

Two Hod Hasharon sisters take their lyrical talents to the song that tops every coronavirus playlist

President's claim of progress against coronavirus starkly contrasts with global crisis, with cases now growing at a faster pace abroad; 4,000 have died worldwide, mostly in China

'We've never seen anything like this,' says head of workers union as manpower reduced by 70%, half of main terminal shuttered
