Police say 3 other suspects are former civil servant, head of a medical company, and head of a lobbying company; key suspect said acted 'in a clear conflict of public interest'

Avichai Mandelblit to reportedly pursue criminal charges against Netanyahu loyalist, following hearing with lawmaker's legal team

Ex-Assembly speaker awaiting potential placement to home confinement, despite conviction in corruption case

Death of over 80 people in a Baghdad COVID-19 hospital blaze seen as further proof of deadly consequences of corruption

A family attorney reportedly demanded that Olmert apologize within a week and pay NIS 1 million in damages or face a libel lawsuit, as PM's corruption trial unfolds

66-year-old politician found guilty of illegally obtaining information from magistrate; faces another trial for illegal financing of 2012 campaign

New York Times investigation shows unprecedented steps by Mnuchin to ease sanctions on Dan Gertler, accused of massive corruption in Democratic Republic of Congo

Transparency International watchdog finds Jewish state falling closer to ‘red line’ below which countries are considered to have a high level of corruption

Mahdi Jahangiri sentenced for 'professional currency smuggling' of €607,100 and $108,000, also fined quadruple those sums; court decision cannot be appealed

Ex-Assembly speaker stalled in efforts to overturn conviction for backing legislation that supported developers who then transferred business to law firm that paid him fees
