Law enforcement allegedly obtained photographs and information from phone of David Bitan's acquaintance; lawmaker appears in court for first time in trial

Haim Revivo to perform four months of community service and pay fine of NIS 20,000, over charges that surfaced as part of graft investigation against Likud MK David Bitan

Former PM, who wrote of dangers of corruption, over-concentration of centralized power and bloated governments, now on trial in three separate graft cases

Sunday Times report says Israeli-born Sir Ehud Sheleg was potentially next in line to receive peerage, having donated £3.8 million to ruling party

Zvi Gendelman accused of bribery, fraud and obstruction of justice for advancing interests of Sammy Levy, a real estate developer who backed his election campaign

Simmering anger, exacerbated by revelations king bought $100 million in overseas luxury properties, threatens to destabilize a key Western ally

Alexander Schallenberg accepts 'enormously challenging task,' set to be sworn in as new Austrian leader on Monday; Kurz to stay on as party chief, try clear his name

Several leaders forced out in last decade for offenses including illicit real estate deals, interfering in a murder investigation and having a mistress misuse military intelligence

Like erstwhile ally Netanyahu before him, the 35-year-old chancellor faces allegations he broke the law to influence media's treatment of him

According to Kan, Sebastian Kurz has nixed his trip, which had been set to take place next week; no official confirmation yet
