Amid news Fifth Dimension may be investigated for deal with police, Blue and White leader says he's 'totally at ease'; reports say he is not suspected of wrongdoing

TV reports say state's attorney's office to recommend AG open investigation into potential criminal ties between the police and Fifth Dimension; Blue and White head not a suspect

In accordance with request by David Bitan, accused of bribery, money laundering, fraud, breach of trust, documents to be given after election to avoid possible leak affecting vote

Avichai Mandelblit says he will pursue charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust against senior member of ruling party

Transparency International watchdog report finds Jewish state falling closer to 'red line' below which countries are considered to have a high level of corruption

Attorney general expected to announce he plans to pursue charges, pending a hearing, against senior party member suspected of bribery, fraud and money laundering

PM cites as fact unproven claims in a case in which the Blue and White leader isn't even a suspect; Gantz says he'll deal with 'utter lie' using legal tools

Whereas government offices had once feared the ombudsman, now the ombudsman is feared by his employees, a former official laments in a searing criticism of Matanyahu Englman

Assaults came after more than 130 people injured in Saturday's protests, which were marked by the most violent government crackdown since nationwide demonstrations began

Former Sudanese ruler, who was removed from office in April after three decades in power, handed two year sentence at rehabilitation facility
