Palestinian officials say Salah Sawafta, 58, was unarmed and 'died of critical wounds' after being shot in the head; IDF says it opened fire on armed suspects

Israeli troops surround home of Ibrahim Nablusi, member of terror cell who carried out several shooting attacks in West Bank earlier this year; gun battle ensues

Youssef Sameeh Assi and Yahya Marei charged with murder for shooting at settlement entrance that killed security guard Vyacheslav Golev

Judge rules measure is not 'revenge' in rejecting appeals filed by families of accused killers of Vyacheslav Golev in April

Iran still believed to be planning attacks in country, a popular destination for Israelis, who are also still advised not to travel to Turkey

'Police prevented a nightmare," says state minister Herbert Reul, noting that right-wing extremist, antisemitic and anti-Muslim materials were found at suspect's home

According to unnamed security officials quoted by several outlets, hundreds of family members of recent attackers will be barred from entering

Defense Ministry says this is first time Israel has taken such a step at Washington’s behest; 4 individuals accused of setting up cells throughout Africa

Cousin of Ra’ad Hazem, the terrorist who carried out a deadly shooting attack in Tel Aviv earlier this month, among those reportedly nabbed by Israeli security forces

2 killed in Jenin Thursday morning, after 3 deaths Wednesday as IDF carries out arrests in major cities and towns throughout West Bank; Ramallah announces general strike in protest
