Professor says variant combines characteristics of the two strains, but will probably be replaced by dominant Omicron mutation

Eran Segal argues newly added restrictions no longer relevant; says weaker strain rapidly taking over country, may cause 2 million cases within several weeks before dipping

British health agency says 'protection against hospitalization is much greater than that against symptomatic disease,' particularly after a booster; daily cases hit another record

South African data, not yet peer-reviewed, comes from 13 cases; researchers can't definitively say neutralization of Omicron not due to vaccination or previous infection

Findings said to show that those who fall ill with the highly contagious new strain are less likely to become severely sick than those who caught its predecessor

Experts say highly-infectious strain already outpacing others; 13% of cases in NY/NJ area are Omicron; EU chief: 'Once again, this Christmas will be overshadowed by the pandemic'

UN health agency cites data indicating infections from new variant are 'mild' or asymptomatic, predicts it will overtake Delta 'where community transmission occurs'

Researchers looked at data of over 840,000 people who got booster; paper co-author says study 'unequivocally' shows value of extra dose against Delta strain

South African researchers say people who recovered and were vaccinated are largely protected against the new variant, vaccination alone still likely to prevent severe disease

First research from South Africa indicates drop in effectiveness of Pfizer vaccine, but Omicron does not completely evade shot; boosters are beneficial
