Over 100 authorities from Israel and abroad say terror group's massive attack was intended to destroy part of a national group, hostage-taking involved multiple crimes

Ministry says no evidence behind allegation that Mandelblit secretly closed investigation over labor union voting irregularities in quid pro quo for halting state attorney's tenure

Decision allows Avichai Mandelblit to hold both positions temporarily, a move vehemently opposed by the former justice minister

Judge David Rozen said to be looking into whether any information was hidden from officials who decided to close probe into attorney general in Harpaz affair

As his corruption trial begins, the PM's supporters go on the offensive and Avichai Mandelblit finds himself embroiled once more in a decade-old scandal

Avi Nissenkorn says he intends 'to weigh the different possibilities,' while keeping AG Mandelblit temporarily in post after clash over previous office holder

Cops accused of trying to circumvent Israeli court ruling that man be allowed to stay in country to protect his life, newspaper reports

Justice Minister, set to end his tenure this week, calls for state comptroller to look into claims Shai Nitzan illegally accessed ministry's computer system after leaving post

Ohana says Mazuz must step aside on matter of acting prosecutor’s tenure to prevent 'significant damage to the integrity' of judicial process

Mandelblit responds that he has already temporarily assumed role several months ago, amid unprecedented quarrel between top law enforcement officials
