32 women come forward to accuse Yosef Paryzer, a US citizen and married with kids, of using alias ‘Jack Segal’ on dating apps to pursue long-term relationships

Police accuse Yosef Paryzer, a US citizen who is married with kids, of using alias 'Jack Segal' to meet women on dating sites, carrying on simultaneous months-long relationships

Professional and amateur 'shadchanim' attend conference billed as first of its kind, while debating best practices on how to help others find their 'bashert'

'Hungry For Love' offers new twist on reality romance with mealtime rules

Called Hamdam, Farsi for 'companion,' service is only state-sanctioned platform of its kind in the Islamic Republic, where other platforms exist but are illegal

While many say finding a partner while socially distancing is a challenge, being able to slow down and meet on video can have its upsides as well

JustKibbitz combines 21st century technology and Jewish moms' tried-and-true yenta instincts to match offspring for a little light conversation, or prepaid first dates

Apps and groups from MeetJew University to CoronaCrush are romantic platforms to match the times -- and have racked up tens of thousands of members in just weeks

Researchers say that in Israel, dating app Tinder is the most popular tool to find prostitutes