Incident spotted on CCTV footage, after police were alerted to disappearance of man, 73, who was visiting his mother, 96, in Afula

Husband tells police he returned from night shift and discovered bodies; initial probe finds no indications of physical violence to 1-year-old boy

Renowned researcher and teacher of Arabic language won Israel Prize in 2010 for work that included writing Education Ministry school syllabi

Worker was trying to repair machinery when he was trapped against shaft at Vert Hotel, safety lobby group says

Three of the children arrive at Soroka Hospital unconscious, but doctors manage to stabilize them; 3 people have died in apparent similar circumstances this winter

Reports say young children noticed parents didn't get out of bed by the afternoon, alerted relatives; temperatures in Jadeidi-Makr area fell to 9°C overnight

Sudden death of young child a month after coronavirus recovery had puzzled doctors; they now think he was stricken with myocarditis

Justus Rosenberg, a professor whose long career teaching literature was preceded by a remarkable tenure in the French resistance during the Holocaust, died aged 100 last month

Coronavirus now 3rd-leading cause of death worldwide, after heart disease and stroke; US, EU, Britain and Brazil account for nearly half of all reported virus deaths

Jewish TV personality provided opening introductions for CBS' 'The Late Show' from 1995 until last episode in 2015; community rabbi describes him as 'a true mensch'
