New development plan presented for approval to Cypriot government is expected to cut costs and bring forward production start of natural gas from the reservoir

Energy companies with stake in field, including Chevron and Shell, look to appraise well to confirm estimates on size and scope of the gas deposit

Offer values NewMed, a key stakeholder in Israel's Leviathan offshore gas field, at about NIS 14.1b ($4b); tentative deal is called a 'testament' to Israel-UAE ties

NewMed (formerly Delek Drilling), developer of Leviathan and Tamar gas fields, and Enlight Energy to make push for green energy generation in region, including Saudi Arabia, Oman

Israeli energy company signs memorandum of understanding with Mubadala Petroleum, owned by Abu Dhabi government

Environment Ministry hails victory as judges appear to bury 1970s project with a demand for 'a more modest' version, that will not involve draining sea to create a bigger beach

International energy adviser says deal indicates Israel is 'no longer a taboo' in industry over fear of Arab boycott; still, the energy giant may end up selling the Israeli assets

Noble Energy has played a key role in discovering and developing Israel's mammoth offshore natural gas fields, Tamar and Leviathan

In first quarter report, Delek Drilling discloses $444.4 million in assets, $84.3 million in profits, a $2 billion deficit, $3.4 billion of loans to repay over next 18 months

Foregoing immediate repayment of NIS 6 billion in loans from Yitzhak Tshuva, whose losses are cutting into Israelis' pensions, two pension and insurance companies offer a lifeline
