Son of Marcus Melchior, who helped save Danish Jewry from Nazis, is survived by son former MK Rabbi Michael Melchior; grandsons Jair and Joav, chief rabbis of Denmark and Norway

National Security Agency said to have eavesdropped on Danish internet cables, text messages and telephone calls to spy on top politicians and high-ranking officials in Germany

Review of Peter Borenstein, a rabbi and physician, comes after report he only gives 8-day-old boys sugar-rich liquid before performing religious rite - as is usual among 'mohels'

Separatists are accused of financing and promoting terrorism in Iran in cooperation with a Saudi intelligence service

Bloc to start receiving the vaccines by end of April, providing a boost to the European Union's beleaguered immunization campaign

Austrian chancellor says the 2 European countries will work with the Jewish state to produce 'doses of second-generation vaccine for further mutations of the coronavirus'

Sebastian Kurz, Mette Frederiksen to arrive next week for sit-down with Netanyahu on cooperation in procuring, developing inoculations

Number of suspects arrested rises to 14; Islamic State flag found during search of suspect’s residence; authorities say they found ingredients for bomb

Men accused of purchasing several kilograms of chemicals for manufacturing explosives; homemade Islamic State flag reportedly found during search of suspect's residence

130 arrivals on 2 flights taken to hotels for isolation, but 30 refuse to go; decision also affects South Africa, Denmark arrivals, as COVID-19 mutations found in all 3 countries
