Lawmakers pass resolution noting statements from Republican members of Congress to 'defund' the FBI and likening the Florida raid to 'the actions of the Nazi Gestapo'

Resignation of head of new US disinformation board highlights issue; far-right extremist called Nina Jankowicz a 'nasty ... Jew,' on his podcast, although she is not Jewish

Israeli cyber directorate, US Homeland Security deepen ties on joint research of cyber technologies and protection

Probe part of a broader assessment of the threat of violent extremism following Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol

Experts still trying to assess scope of months-long operation that slipped code into software update used on servers across the globe and in all 5 branches of US military

In 2016, Alejandro Mayorkas expressed worries over 'ascension of anti-Semitism and hate crimes,' said threats to Jewish communities 'keep me up at night'

Chad Wolf stresses 'this process may require time'; says no indication a foreign power has succeeded in tampering with vote

New report from government agency says white hate groups responsible for more attacks and deaths than any other extremists, and are characterized by anti-Semitism

In whistleblower complaint, former DHS official alleges he was pushed to alter reports so they'd reflect administration policy goals, was reassigned for refusing to go along

Mayor of Oregon city demands Trump withdraw militarized personnel after they grab people on city streets, reportedly detain them without explanation
