Injured IDF veterans with no prior international competition experience say they are proud to represent country in swimming, cycling, table tennis, archery, and indoor rowing
Ministry says experts will look into cases of Bar Kalaf and Or Donio and formulate work plans to improve treatment of veterans suffering mental illness
Games held for second time at Tel Aviv's Beit Halochem center for wounded veterans; 65 UK participants and their families tour the country as part of the week-long event
Widely considered a 'must' for Israel's birthday until now, fireworks canceled this year in many cities and towns out of respect for military veterans suffering from post-trauma
Navy troops were forced to scuba dive for years in the deeply polluted Kishon River, leading to high rates of cancer and other illnesses; Gantz calls decision 'historic justice'
Protest comes as government approval of One Soul, the Defense Ministry plan to improve treatment for disabled ex-soldiers, is held up by fighting over funding
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