4 people hospitalized with stab wounds; 23 people arrested in Washington after sporadic fights between Proud Boys and combined forces of antifa and Black activists

Netanyahu says Israel committed to successful transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy by 2050

Talks are ongoing to save agreement as Sudan pushes for removal from US terror list and future protection from victim lawsuits

Decision effectively ends Trump's attempt to reverse election result through court system; electoral college meets Monday to formally elect Biden

US preident-elect leans into previous administration's personnel and experience amid health, economic crises; progressive wing of party calls for more diversity

Kushner saw recent Trump break with Senator Jim Inhofe, who has long opposed US recognizing Rabat's hold on Western Sahara, as opportunity to push a deal

Reports say Riyadh edging toward own deal with Israel and is pushing other Muslim countries to establish ties with Jerusalem; Indonesia, Oman tipped as likely candidates

Trump tweets 'Get the dam vaccines out NOW, Dr. Hahn;' administration anger comes a day after FDA advisory panel cleared Pfizer vaccine for emergency use

Report says International Development Finance Corporation mulling huge expenditure in country's banks and hotels, with US official denying it's linked to normalization pact

Islamic Republic becomes one of few countries in region to oppose Trump-brokered deal; Oman rumored to be next to establish ties with Israel, praises agreement
