Government's top infectious disease expert testifies that Trump never told him to slow testing, a claim the US president doubled down on earlier in the day
Some analysts say ticket requests by South Korean pop fans just a prank, but others believe electoral data corruption is significant, shows clout of politically engaged fandom
President claims foreign countries will print up millions of bogus ballots to rig the results and create what he calls the 'scandal of our times,' sets stage to challenge results
Unilaterally extending Israeli rule into the West Bank not only damages the way we are perceived around the world, it remakes the way we present and see ourselves
In U-turn, US president indicates he doesn't have trust in South American county's opposition leader, Juan Guaido, despite recognizing him as acting president
As White House officials reportedly try to decide whether to support Netanyahu's West Bank plan, David Schenker seems to urge Jerusalem not to undermine peace plan
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