Activists spurred by reports of poor conditions at immigration centers liken US policies to Holocaust, past oppression of Jews

Ultimate aim of controversial comments appears to be dividing Democrats, peeling off Jewish support and shoring up his white evangelical Christian base

Who exactly is Wayne Allyn Root and why are he and the US president so fond of each other?

After promoting claim that Israelis 'love him like he is the second coming of God,' US president defends China trade war by describing himself as the messiah

Israeli leader refrains from commenting on US president's remarks about Jewish Democrat voters, which many have criticized as anti-Semitic stereotyping

President calls House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to smooth relationship after Trump says Jews who vote Democrat are 'disloyal'

US president reportedly says he hasn't heard anyone describe his comments as anti-Semitic; Rivlin speaks with Pelosi to reaffirm bipartisan ties

Dan Shapiro says he hoped to provide 'some balance' to tour; US congresswoman wanted to sit down with security officials, MKS, source says

US president quotes radio host Wayne Allyn Root, who claims Jewish state adores him as 'the King of Israel' but that US Jews 'don’t even know what they’re doing' anymore

Ayman Odeh says he doesn't know whether US president's 'anti-Semitic comments' or Netanyahu's silence is more 'repugnant'
