Dramatic shift in TV industry means shows no longer have to be adapted to receive international acclaim -- ask the creators of 'Fauda,' 'On the Spectrum,' 'Shtisel' and others

'Dear Jack, Dear Louise,' by Broadway legend Ken Ludwig, weaves a bi-coastal correspondence at the height of WWII into a full-fledged romance tale -- and a humorous one

Setting itself apart with its universal appeal, the show still boasts a laundry list of Israeli icons among its writers, creators, and actors; now playing in an extended run in NYC

As edgy musical 'Falsettos' opens in London, debate known as 'Jewface' sees Britain's minority groups unite to protest lack of representation in heavily Jew-centric productions

1928's comic 'The Tsar wants his photograph taken' lampoons anarchists' Jewish stereotypes even while connecting a modern researcher to his family's roots
