Move likely comes to mollify Netanyahu's hardline coalition partners a week after US pressured Jerusalem to delay controversial E1 settlement project

Israel notifies Biden administration of decision after PM holds call with Blinken to discuss Saudi normalization

Left-wing Peace Now group says move part of an attempt by 'current government working to create conditions for annexation of the West Bank'

Approval for thousands of homes east of Jerusalem has been sought by Israel's right for years: anti-settlement groups say it would undermine the viability of a Palestinian state

Figure green-lit by panel this week is largest ever; hearing rescheduled to adjudicate objections to repeatedly delayed project that would bisect Palestinian contiguity in W. Bank

Third and final hearing for public comment on the project - called 'lethal' for future Palestinian state by critics - pushed off without new date

President to unveil extra $316 million in aid for Palestinians as well as several steps he says Israel will take to boost PA economy, including ones announced last year

Shaked claims that building meeting is delayed for only a week, while opposition MKs slam government for 'destructive measures' that are a 'surrender to terror'

29 lawmakers demand that administration make clear project cutting off Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem from Ramallah, Bethlehem a 'red line' for US

Washington particularly concerned about Israeli plan to advance 'doomsday' settlement construction in E1 area, with PA threatening to downgrade ties if such steps proceed
