Prosecutor-general's office asks Supreme Court to include ex- president in investigation of January 8 attack on Supreme Court, Congress, presidential palace in bid to overturn vote

Brazilian delegation including foreign minister, president's son meets Israeli officials in Jerusalem to discuss 'the fight against coronavirus'

Brazilian leader rails at press following reports he contracted COVID-19, days after meeting in Florida with Trump; aide who has virus had posed for photo with US president

President's son, a powerful politician in his own right, touts possible 180-degree policy shift, including outlawing Hezbollah and recognizing settlements as legal

'We’re not going to do something extraordinary. We’re doing a normal thing -- to recognize your capital,' declares Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president's son and a senior MP

President Jair Bolsonaro's son Eduardo to attend December 15 ceremony; Honduras to move embassy to capital 'in the next few weeks,' Israeli official says

'I don't think it's nepotism,' US president has said of Eduardo Bolsonaro's appointment, which still needs approval of Brazil's senate