Original recordings are dubbed over actors portraying senior Nazi figure and his interviewer before Israel put him on trial; he expresses pride in genocide, says has no regrets

One of 110 witnesses at seminal 1961 trial, Kleinman's testimony helped send notorious Nazi official to the gallows

In April 1961, the barbarism of Nazi Germany was put on display in a Jerusalem courtroom, as the 'engineer of death' was tried for offenses including crimes against humanity

Kan's 'Eichmann -- The Devil Speaks' will unveil fresh details on the notorious Nazi architect of the Final Solution

'Not a day passes without me remembering,' says Gabriel Bach, lead investigator and deputy prosecutor of key architect of Holocaust

When retired Ohio autoworkerJohn Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel to be tried as the infamous butcher of Treblinka, people held their breath, as they will for this Netflix series

While working for the Mossad, Maor obtained documents proving Eichmann’s involvement in the extermination of the Jews during the Holocaust