Jewish lawmaker from Virginia rails at 'claims of dual loyalty' leveled at supporters of Israel, in apparent shot at fellow Democrats Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

Pro-Israel ex-US Navy commander played key role in Pelosi decision to launch Trump impeachment proceedings; loses tight race after redistricting made district more Republican

Hawkish lawmakers pen letter to Biden expressing alarm after Squad members allege that Jewish state guilty of 'apartheid' and 'terrorism'

Two Jewish moderate Democrats narrowly held onto their congressional seats in Virginia and Michigan

Legislation would require US president to consult with Jerusalem to ensure qualitative military edge concerns are settled; proposal comes ahead of planned sale of F-35s to UAE

Documents signed by members of both parties say prosecutor's acceptance of Palestinian claims to territories is ' political judgment that biases any investigation or trial'

Lawmakers concerned self-proclaimed democratic socialist could cost them House; speaker says it's not her role to interfere in presidential race

Rivals in the race for the presidential nomination take out ad campaigns against self-declared democratic socialist, who some party members fear is too extreme to beat Trump

Moderate legislators take opposing sides on bill calling to curb Trump's ability to wage war on Tehran, each citing their background in national security as rationale

Nadler, Schiff lead House debate for Democrats; Republicans cite US president's support of Israel in defense; moderate Jewish Democrats who back impeachment now on hot seat
