Ministers Shlomo Karhi and Idit Silman paint High Court hearing on government recusal law as an attack on democracy

Justice officials need to authorize the project, which would extend opening hours for religiously observant visitors at two natural springs in August

National Planning and Building Council okays Energy Ministry request for 10,000 more acres to be used for renewable electricity production; Environment Ministry opposes

While environmental protection minister hails 'step toward a climate law,' climate group cautions move could be a 'fig leaf'

Ministry agrees to speed up impact survey process in exchange for more funds; staff in deal with Finance Ministry after protests over plan to put private consultants on committees

Group calls on Environmental Protection Minister Idit Silman to consult with climate change experts rather than people who 'spread false information'

Idit Silman dons scuba gear with parks authority officials to help relocate coral that has grown on submerged garbage, as part of project to protect Eilat's reefs

More than 50 participating countries will prepare work plans in time for UN COP28 climate confab in Dubai next year

Environment minister's move under Clean Air Act will force city hall to produce detailed plan to deal with diesel emissions within six months

Burning Israeli scrap for valuable raw metals is a fatal source of income for thousands of Palestinians, sending cancer rates skyrocketing in villages near Hebron
