Ministry hails settlement in what is believed to be Israel's worst ecological disaster as 'milestone' for environmental law, though damage was assessed at nearly 3 times higher

But Noble Energy Mediterranean Ltd will not be allowed to start production before submitting detailed pilot program and erecting air quality monitoring stations, ministry says

Environmental class action suit says two Israel Chemicals plants allowed industrial, radioactive wastewater to contaminate aquifer and stream near Dead Sea

In study, academics call for review of platform's location close to shore; former Environment Ministry chief scientist says findings show 'public trust compromised again'

Environmental Protection Ministry warns city hall it is acting illegally by failing to provide special orange recycling bins for each apartment building

At this solemn time of penitence, an accounting of the environmental sins we are visiting upon the Land of Israel's ecosystems. And a plea for change

But major coastal development plans must take sensitive marine ecosystems into account, warns Environmental Protection Ministry

Municipality says low emission zone will go into effect in November; drivers of truck not fitted with special pollution-reducing filters will be fined

Health ministry announcement comes days before busy holiday season; 2018 outbreak of leptospirosis linked to contaminated waterways in north

Determined not to stand idly by in the face of environmental degradation, animal rights campaigner Miki Haimovich eyes Environmental Protection Ministry
