Chief justice takes on planned judicial reforms by incoming coalition: ‘Our mission as public emissaries can’t be fulfilled without safeguarding our independence’

Monthly paycheck linked to average salaries, but system frozen during COVID-19 pandemic; PM to get around NIS 64,700 ($19,700) per month, lawmakers NIS 52,000 ($15,340)

The staunch Israel supporter, once referred to by PM-designate as 'one of the world's greatest lawyers,' says Israel's Supreme Court is 'the jewel of judiciaries around the world'

Esther Hayut stresses commitment to 'the rule of law and judicial independence,' amid calls from Netanyahu bloc to pass law letting Knesset override High Court rulings

Outgoing judge compares rampant crime to a contagious disease, urges increased enforcement; was among judges who convicted former president Katsav of rape

District Court says right to freedom of Jewish worship on holy site 'is not absolute, and should be superseded by other interests' after earlier ruling angered PA, Hamas and Jordan

After Hamas threats and international criticism, Judicial Authority says Sunday's controversial decision in favor of Jews who prayed at holy site will not change status quo

Amid harsh criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, Esther Hayut warns that discourse about court is 'deteriorating' to 'dangerous places'

Former Tel Aviv District Court vice president sworn into post alongside 81 other judges appointed to various judicial positions; will replace retiring justice Neal Hendel

Vogelman would have only held the position for a year due to his age; next in line is Justice Yitzhak Amit
