Police seized automatic weapons, rifles, crossbows, swords, knives, Nazi flags and books on dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini

Synagogue security blocks man from entering property and asks rabbis to enter the building; police called to scene

A global poll of 9,000 adults in 18 countries shows significant numbers believe age-old tropes about Jews, including that they seek world domination

Security official says suspect was caught 90 minutes after assault started, wounded two others in another town, was not on authorities' radar prior to attack

Experts say actual levels of Jew-hatred are on par with other Western European countries, but the lack of condemnation and frequent defense of hate speech is unique

44 percent of Jewish youths polled experienced anti-Semitic harassment

Critics say German government blames far-right for anti-Semitism to shield immigrants; some researchers say classification system for hate crimes skews statistics

Election campaigns across continent bear anti-Semitic undertones, Jewish community warns, pushing many to consider leaving Europe
