The Youngest Partisan – Baruch Perlowitz’s NEW MovieBoruch Perlowitz’s Latest Film Is Finally Here!
The Youngest Partisan is finally being released this Chol Hamoed, & you can watch the spectacular trailer below! The film will be shown live this Chol Hamoed at a variety of locations you can purchase tickets here:

Ani Yehudi – Mordechai Shapiro HILARIOUS Music VideoMordechai Shapiro’s just released a brand new hilarious music video to his latest single “Ani Yehudi”. The video includes a bunch of cute appearances & puns… so be sure to watch carefully!
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INSANE New Album | Yissachar Dror – Yachid B’meluchaYissachar Dror’s debut album just recently came out & has been really well received so far! Yachid B’melucha has been a massive hit so far & it seems Yissachar will definitely be making it to the big leagues of Jewish Music!

How Good Was Mordechai Shapiro’s Achas Album?It has now been 10 months since Mordechai Shapiro dropped his 4th solo album titled Achas. This was the first original album for Mordy in almost 3 years. He appeared in a few different projects since then including the smash hit Freilach album titled “Sing it” and “L’chai Olamim” alongside Matt Dubb and Benny Friedman.

24/6 Will Change The Face Of Jewish Music… FOREVERThe 24six app exploded onto the Jewish Music scene just a few months ago with a premise that has been tried before but never executed this well. 24six serves as a benchmark for where the Jewish Music business is heading in the near future.

Baruch Levine Lev Chodosh – NEW Album | AVAILABLE EVERYWHEREBaruch Levine’s new album “Lev Chodosh” has been massively successful so far & is now available on all streaming platforms including 24/6. The album is also available for purchase on Mostly Music.

Shulem Lemmer BRAND NEW ALBUM | Kidush HashemOut Now Available Everywhere! Shulem Lemmer’s brand new album is sure to get you on your feet!
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Yissachar Dror Heartfelt Message Regarding His Debut Album“Dear beloved friends,
I am thrilled to announce the release of my debut album, a collection of uplifting songs and heartfelt ballads that tell the stories of life and faith. As I reflect on the past two years, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share my music with you. Creating this album was a labor of love, and I poured my heart and soul into every note.

Yissachar Dror Releasing His Debut Album | Yachid BimluchaYissachar Dror only made his debut in the Jewish Music scene about 3 years ago, & after tremendous success so far… he’s finally releasing his first album! Yissachar released a bunch of hit singles over the last few years, including one sung together with Yitzy Waldner!

Is Ishay Ribo Secretly Working On A New Album?Ishay Ribo hasn’t released a new album in a really long time. His last original album came out in 2019 called “Elul תשע”ט” & it’s been over 3 years since then. Is Ishay Ribo secretly working on a new album?
