Bibi’s Chareidi Grandchildren With Long Peyos Spotted At Event Welcoming the Satmar RebbeTwo of the Prime Minister’s grandchildren were spotted at the procession that welcomed the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg to Jerusalem earlier this week.
The young boys are the children of Noah Roth, Netanyahu’s daughter, and her husband Rabbi Daniel Roth.

The Satmar Rebbe Distributes Millions In The ‘Shekel HaTahor’ Program [VIDEOS & PHOTOS](VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
A major event was hosted in the Nof Yerushalayim Hall on Wednesday night, with the highlight being the distribution of the ‘Shekel Tahor’ by the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg Shlita on his current visit to Eretz Yisroel.

The Yahadut Hatorah Party Begins Pushing a United Siyum HaShas ForwardRepresentatives of Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael on Thursday met to begin moving ahead plans for a combined major ‘Siyum HaShas’. Shas representatives did not participate according to a Kikar Shabbos News report.
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Monsey Stabbing Victim Responding To Family Following Surgery; Detectives Following Many LeadsThe following is the latest information available to YWN as of 4:30PM regarding the vicious and brutal assault and stabbing of 29-year-old Mordechai ben Bracha (Schlesinger).
Bichasdei Hashem, a serious and lengthy surgery ended just moments ago, and he is Borch Hashem responding to his family who is at his bedside.

Levaya Of Hagaon HaRav Chaim Zev Malinowitz ZATZALHagaon HaRav Chaim Zev Malinowitz zt”l passed away on Thursday evening in Israel. Rav Malinowitz was the Rav of Beis Knesses Beis HaTefilah Yonah Avraham in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.
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FBI Makes Three Arrests In Monsey On Thursday MorningThe FBI arrested three people in Monsey early Thursday morning. The U.S. Attorney says the were arrested for carrying out a multimillion-dollar scheme to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business for the purpose of transmitting proceeds derived from illegal activity.
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30PMIsrael’s attorney general scheduled a Thursday night news conference to announce his long-awaited decision on whether to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a series of corruption scandals.
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit’s ruling promises to upend the Israeli political world after two inconclusive elections.

 The Impeachment Hearings ContinueHouse impeachment investigators will hear on Thursday from two key witnesses who grew alarmed by how President Donald Trump and others in his orbit were conducting foreign policy in Ukraine, capping an intense week in the historic inquiry.
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 GIdeon Sa’ar Calls For Likud Primaries, Declares Bid To Unseat NetanyahuPresident Reuven Rivlin on Thursday, November 21, 2019, officially notified Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein that the presidential mandate has been returned and the 21-day period during which any MK has the right to form a coalition begins.

Bloomberg Spending $15M-$20M To Register Half Million VotersAs he moves toward a presidential announcement, New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg is rolling out plans to spend an estimated $15 million to $20 million on a voter registration drive designed to weaken President Donald Trump’s reelection chances in five battleground states.
