Sworn Testimony Says Anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar Is Foreign Agent For Qatar, Passing Info To IranDem. Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN) was accused of being recruited and paid to be a foreign agent for Qatar in sworn testimony in a Florida court, the English edition of Al Arabiya reported on Monday.

White House, US Capital On Lockdown Due To Airspace Violation, Fighter Jets ScrambledThe White House and U.S. Capitol building were put on lockdown and fighter jets were scrambled on Tuesday morning, following an airspace violation.
Roads around the area were closed to traffic.
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Frum Father of London Tube Assault Meets Muslim Woman Who Came To His DefenseThe father of the family who was verbally assaulted on the London Underground on Friday met the Muslim woman who stood up to the volatile attacker on Monday morning, according to a Kan News report.
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The “Good Old Days” When MK Liberman Boasted About His Link To The Ribnitzer RebbeRav Pinchas Saltzman, the rav of the Jewish community in Moldova, authored an article on Kikar Shabbos on Monday, addressing a figure that the Moldovan community used to take great pride in – Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Liberman, who was born in Kishinev, Moldova.

“All I Want Is My Children” – The Tragic Plight Of The Ohana Family Even Before The Fire [HEARTBREAKING VIDEOS]The heartbreaking story of the Ohana family, who lost two small children in a fire on erev Shabbos in their home in Netanya was revealed in Israeli media reports on Sunday.

 More Than 1,000 Angry Flatbush Residents Protest “Charter School For At Risk Teens” [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]An important meeting was held at the “East Midwood Jewish Center” in Flatbush on Monday night, and the crowd of angry residents was so large, that police were not letting people into the building.

 The Rav of the “Shawl Women” is NiftarHaRav Tzvi Aharon Rumfeld Z”L was niftar on Monday morning at the age of 65. The niftar was Av Beis Din Tehillas Yisrael, as well as being the rav of the ‘Shawl Women’ in Yerushalayim.
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 Hasidic Teen Punched In The Face In Unprovoked AttackHate struck the Jewish community in NYC again, this time in Williamsburg.
It happened at around 5:00PM at Marcy Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, when an African American male punched a Hasidic teen in the face.
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 Parents and Young Daughter Hospitalized In Serious Condition With The FluWhile Israel continues waiting for rain, winter has arrived, bringing the flu with it. Parents and their 5-year-old daughter, residents of Central Israel, are hospitalized in three different hospitals, all with the flu.

TEHILLIM – Hagaon HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik HospitalizedThe Brisker Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik was hospitalized today in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem medical center.
The Rosh Yeshiva had been feeling ill over the past few days and was transported from his home on Amos Street in Jerusalem to the hospital suffering from general weakness.
