Elderly Chareidi Woman R”L Niftar After Falling Down Flight of Stairs in JerusalemA chareidi woman R”L was killed as a result of falling down a flight of stairs in her building in Jerusalem. The woman choked as she left her apartment and was seeking the assistance of a neighbor.

Home of the Terrorists Who Murdered Dvir Sorek HY”D Destroyed by IsraelSome four months after the murder of Dvir Sorek H”YD in a terrorist attack, and after the High Court of Justice rejected a petition from the family, the IDF during the night destroyed the home of the terrorist responsible for the attack.
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 First Shomer Shabbos Candidate Wins Election In Sullivan CountyIn what observers are calling a surprise and unexpected victory, year round Orthodox Jewish resident of Woodridge, NY, Moshe Chaim Weinberg, has won election to its board of Trustees.
According to askonim involved in local Sullivan County politics, Weinberg won a seat on the Village board with a last minute coordinated write in campaign.

 Lebanese Businessman Who Bought Hitler Items Honored By Rabbonim In EuropeLebanese businessman Abdallah Chatila received a standing ovation on Tuesday at the Conference of European Rabbis (CER), as well as a gift of a silver shofar for his noble act of purchasing Nazi items on sale in Germany in order to keep them out of the wrong hands.

“Stuffy Like Auschwitz” – German Teens Tease Jewish ClassmateA 16-year Jewish boy in Germany left his public school in the city of Offenbach due to the constant shocking anti-Semitic statements directed at him by his classmates, The Algemeiner reported on Wednesday.

 ZAKA Director Shares His ThoughtsRabbi Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, the founder and chairman of ZAKA spoke to Arutz Sheva recently about a painful topic – suicide in Israel, including the Chareidi community.
“The numbers speak for themselves.
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 “There’s Lofty Neshamos That Come To The World For A Few Years”On Wednesday morning, the Sanzer Rebbe was menachem avel the Ohana family, who lost two small children in a fire in Netanya, which also destroyed their home, a B’Chadrei Chareidim report said.

Avner Netanyahu Visits Mir Yerushalayim, Following Haircut In Bais YisroelPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s son, Avner Netanyahu, got a haircut at the barber next to the Mir – Barber Tzion – who has a good reputation and is known as the barber for Mir bochurim, and then in a surprise visit, toured the Mir, Kikar Shabbos reported.

 Beis Din Ledger From Bergen-Belsen With Heterim For AgunosA ledger documenting the actions of a Beis Din in Bergen-Belsen following its liberation was recently discovered for the first time, Ynet reported on Monday. The ledger, containing over 100 pages of cramped handwriting, was the first documentation of the testimony of Holocaust survivors on their spouses who were murdered by the Nazis, for the purpose of being released from their aginus.

 IAF Chopper Carrying 14 Soldiers Catches Fire In Mid-Air; Fast-Action Pilot Saved Their LivesAccording to the Israel Air Force, it was the quick actions of the pilot of the Yasur chopper that saved the lives of the 14 soldiers on board on Tuesday night.
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