Trump Campaign Bans Bloomberg Reporters From Events Over Decision Not To Cover 2020 DemsPresident Donald Trump’s campaign said Monday it will no longer give credentials to Bloomberg News reporters to cover campaign events because of coverage “biases,” an accusation that the news organization rejects.

Mother Of 5 Killed In Another Deadly Crash On Israel’s HighwaysA 49-year-old mother of five was killed in another crash on Israeli highways on Monday morning, this time in northern Israel, in the lower Galil. The woman’s name has not yet been identified to the public.
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 He Then Returns Home to IsraelYouths in London mercilessly beat a Rabbi and left him on the street bleeding on Friday night. On Sunday, December 1, 2019, the rav, whose name is not being published, returned home to Eretz Yisrael.
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Police Arrest Six Members of the Berland Shuvu Banim Cult [VIDEO]Police have arrested six men during the night who follow the cult headed by Rabbi Eliezer Berland. The suspects in detention are suspected of crimes based on a a recent Channel13 News report that was released weeks ago.
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 Hatzolah Ambulance Involved In Crash While Taking Patient To HospA Rockaway/Lawrence Hatzolah Ambulane taking a patient to the hospital was involved in an MVA this morning.
It happened at the intersection of Central Avenue & Woodmere Boulevard at around 7:30AM.
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 Indictment Against PM Netanyahu Presented to Knesset Speaker EdelsteinAttorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit on Monday submitted the indictment to be filed against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein. The indictment will be filed if Mr.

 No Improvement in Dad & Son’s ConditionTragedy struck the Rimol family of N’vei Tzuf on motzei Shabbos, as Mrs. Tzipi Rimol A”H, 35, was killed along with her 3-week-old daughter, Noa Rachel A”H.
The father, Ephraim, 40, remains in serious condition a day later and a son, Itai, 12, remains in critical condition.

Jordanians Re-Open Kever of Aharon HaKohen After Four Months of It Being Closed to JewsFour months ago the Jordanians closed Aharon HaKohen’s Kever to Jewish visitors after Israelis reportedly were caught performing “Jewish prayer rituals” at the site. The site, known in Arabic as Jabel Haroun, is located near the city of Petra.

Charedi Man Stabbed At Reb Nachman’s Grave in Uman on Friday NightEarly on Shabbos morning, a Jewish man who was learning at the Kever of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in Uman was stabbed. The motive for the stabbing is yet unclear.
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Was Last Nights Double-Fatal Crash A Terror Attack?The Otzma Yehudi party on Sunday morning called on Israel Police to probe the fatal accident that claimed the lives of members of the Rimol family of N’vei Tzuf close to midnight on motzei Shabbos.
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