Trump Slams France’s Macron In London For ‘Very Nasty’ ‘Brain Death’ NATO QuoteU.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday took aim at President Emmanuel Macron over the French leader’s criticism of NATO, and criticized the other members of the military alliance for being too slow to beef up their defense budgets.

Rosenstein Said He Was ‘Horrified’ At How Comey Was FiredFormer Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told the FBI he was “angry, ashamed, horrified and embarrassed” at the way James Comey was fired as FBI director, according to records released Monday.
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HaGaon HaRav Solovechik Hospitalized AgainThe Brisker Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik was again hospitalized today in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem medical center.
The Rosh Yeshiva complained of weekness and not feeling well.
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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times Broken engagements are never a pleasant item of discussion, and there are often stories about various repercussions of someone who is still angry about the cancellation of the nuptials.  On account of this, it is the custom in Israel for both parties to sign documents […]

UK Labour Party Excludes Jews From Campaign Video Promoting Minority RightsThe Labour Party in the UK – run by anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn – apparently neglected to do their research before filming their latest campaign video, naming a long list of various ethnic and socioeconomic groups who may feel undervalued in British society, such as blacks, Asians, Muslims, the disabled, the poor, the elderly and working class.

MK Yulia Malinovsky Says Chareidim Are In “Closed Ghetto”MK (Yisrael Beitenu) Yulia Malinovsky responded to a Kikar Shabbos News report attacking Yisrael Beitenu leader MK Avigdor Lieberman. According to Malinovsky, the chareidi public is closed in a ghetto and is not integrating into the community.
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Moshe Holtzberg, Son of Mumbai Chabad House Terror Victims, Celebrates His Bar MitzvahMoshe Holtzberg, who became known to the world during the tragedy that befell his family in the Chabad House in Mumbai, India, celebrated his bar mitzvah with hundreds participating.

WALMART IN JERUSALEM? Rumors Sow Confusion In Israel, Causing Supermarket Shares To DipDid you know that there’s no town of Jerusalem in Illinois but there’s a Zion and a Salem? Israelis now know this tidbit of information following a confusing sequence of events regarding Walmart ads for employees in Jerusalem over the past few weeks.

 Levaya of R’ Shmuel Aharon [Alan] Lipman Z”L Of FlatbushYWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of R’ Shmuel Aharon “Alan” Lipman Z”L. He was 72.
Alan was a Talmid of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin as a Bochur, and spent the past 30 years learning each day in Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush.
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 Sephardi Bnei Brak Yeshiva DESTROYED By Neighboring Yeshiva Bochrim [VIDEO & PHOTOS]A long-standing feud between Bochrim from two neighboring Yeshivos escalated to an unimaginable level on Monday night.
According to multiple sources, the Bochrim from [Merkaz] Vishnitz Yeshiva (under the leadership of the Rebbe, Reb Mendel Hager Shlita) have been complaining that Bochrim from Yeshivas Nachlas Dan (a Sephardi Yeshiva) have been harassing them for quote some time.
