The IDF Lied to Increase Chareidi Enlistment NumbersIn a damaging report, some 18 months after it was learned the IDF was releasing incorrect figures pertaining to the enlistment of religious girls, it is now reported the IDF lied regarding enlistment numbers in the chareidi population, doubling or even tripling the numbers towards protecting the bleak non-compliance with induction goals for the Chareidi population.

 Maran HaRav Shteinman; “We Have No Emunah In This Generation, All Are Weak!”, Refuses To Be PhotographedA rare video of Maran Hagaon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt’l, was recently discovered, providing a rare glimpse of the Rosh Yeshivah engaging in a lighthearted conversation about the importance of emunah.

 19-Year-Old Suffers Seizure, Is Struck & Killed By Jerusalem Light Rail In Front Of Horrified FriendsA 19-year old girl was R”L killed overnight Tuesday by the Jerusalem light rail on Rechov Yaffo, near the Central Bus Station, Maariv reported. MDA paramedics found the girl without a pulse under the train and were forced to pronounce her dead at the scene.

Ashdod Beis Din Rules on ‘Marriage’ of Two Children in ParisJewish children, friends, visited a shopping center in Paris France, and on the steps, a boy pulled out a ring, placed it on a finger of a girl and recited the required words.
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“Quicky, Quickly!” Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky’s Unique Bracha Is Fulfilled Two Weeks LaterTwo weeks ago, two yeshiva bochurim from Yeshivas Orchos HaTorah, together with their mashgiach, HaRav Chizkiyahu Mishkovsky, went to the home of Hagoan HaRav Chaim Kanievsky to request a bracha for a shidduch.

Rep. Devin Nunes Sues CNN “MOTHER OF FAKE NEWS” For $435M In Response To “Hit Piece”Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., sued CNN for defamation on Tuesday, accusing the cable network of publishing a “demonstrably false hit piece” about him amid his high-profile opposition to the Trump impeachment inquiry.
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 Archaeological Terrorism? Beyond Holocaust Denial To The Entire History Of The Jewish PeopleThe Palestinian Authority will go to all lengths to deny the Jewish claims to their homeland and portray Israelis as occupiers, even recruiting experts to spout lies on television, denying any evidence of a Jewish presence in Israel before 1948, a Jerusalem Post report said on Sunday.

Bergen-Belsen Survivors Oppose Sale Of Beis Din Ledger Documenting Heteirim Of AgunosFollowing the announcement last week about a newly discovered Beis Din ledger from Bergen-Belsen documenting the heterim granted to agunim and agunos after the Holocaust, the Organization of Begen-Belsen Survivors in Israel filed a petition against the ledger’s sale in a Tel Aviv court.

 Jews Who Were Thrown Out Of Muslim Countries Should Be Seen As RefugeesIsrael wants the United Nations to recognize as refugees hundreds of thousands of Jews who fled Arab and Muslim countries in the last century, its U.N. envoy said Tuesday.
Ambassador Danny Danon told the U.N.
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“Highway Of Blood” – “The Most Dangerous Road In Israel & This Time It Took My Mother”The 49-year old woman who was killed in a car crash on Monday morning in the lower Galil was identified as Kinneret Amar A”H, a mother of six from Yavniel, an Israeli moshav, Ynet reported on Tuesday morning.
