More Than 100 Jewish Kevarim Defaced With Swastikas In Eastern FranceRegional authorities in eastern France say vandals have scrawled anti-Semitic inscriptions, including swastikas spray-painted in black, on 107 tombs in a Jewish cemetery.
The attack targeted a cemetery in the town of Westhoffen, west of the city of Strasbourg.

 How Did A Shul Look At The Time Of The 2nd Beis Hamikdash?Fragments of a rare mosaic floor were discovered during the excavation of a shul in the Golan from the era of Roman rule over Eretz Yisrael, a statement from the University of Haifa said on Monday.
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Court Extends the Detention of Five of the Six Berland SuspectsBased on an Israel TV News13 report released a number of weeks ago, six persons affiliated with the cult headed by Rabbi Eliezer Berland were arrested on Monday, as reported by YWN-Israel.
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House Dems Release Trump Impeachment Report, Accusing Trump Of Misusing Office To Pressure UkraineThe Democrat-led House Intelligence Committee released a scathing report Tuesday on the findings from its impeachment inquiry, accusing President Trump of misusing his office to seek foreign help in the 2020 presidential race.

Kamala Harris To End Democratic Presidential CampaignDemocratic Sen. Kamala Harris is expected to end her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a campaign official.
The official requested anonymity to speak about Harris’ plans.
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CHAREIDIM REFUSE Jordanian Demand To Remove Yarmulka And Tzitzis, Women To Remove Head-CoveringsAlmost 100 Israeli deputy mayors who were attending a conference in Eilat were scheduled for a tour of Petra, Jordan on Tuesday morning. Instead of enjoying the tour, most of the Israelis ended up returning to their hotel in Eilat in disgust after a two-hour delay and a blatant display of discrimination and anti-Semitism.

Two Sentenced In Crash That Killed Engaged Choson Yisroel Levin Z”L & Kallah Elisheva Kaplan A”HA Brooklyn man convicted in connection with a 2018 crash on Long Island that killed newly engaged couple Yisroel Levin Z”L & Elisheva Kaplan A”H, was sentenced Tuesday to 18 years to life in prison.

 Shas Compares Destruction of Bnei Brak Yeshiva to Actions by Nazis Against Jews in Europe“Kristallnacht, a hate crime reminiscent of what the Nazis did to Jews in Europe,” were the harsh words uttered by Shas officials regarding the pogrom by Vishnitz bochrim against the sephardi yeshiva Nachlat Dan in Bnei Brak after seeing the destruction that was caused.

A Missing Wallet Delays a Wizz Air Flight from Budapest to Tel AvivA Wizz Air flight that was supposed to take off on Monday morning at 6:00AM from Budapest to Tel Aviv did not, because officials believed a wallet belonging to an employee that was missing was actually stolen, possibly by someone on the flight.
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 Inspectors Flood Yeshivos and Kollelim Around Israel; Some Fail InspectionOn Monday morning, it was Yeshivas Beis Matisyahu in Bnei Brak and on Tuesday, Education Ministry inspectors arrived at Yeshivos and Kollels around Israel.
It is reported that in some cases, inspectors arrived at 8:55AM, obviously to monitor who and how many talmidim and avreichim are reporting on time.
