MOVING TO IMPEACH! Peolsi OKs Drafting Of Articles Of Impeachment [VIDEO]House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that the House is moving forward to draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
’’Our democracy is what is at stake,” Pelosi said.

TEHLLIM – Condition Of Hagaon HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik DeterioratesTefilos are requested on behalf of Rosh Yeshivas Brisk, HaGaon HaRav Meshulam David Halevi Soloveitchik, who is admitted to an intensive care unit and reportedly in need of Rachmei Shomayim.
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Targeted Killing Attempt in Charedi Neighborhood of Petach TikvahOn Wednesday evening a targeted killing attempt took place in the Charedi neighborhood of Petach Tikvah. A series of gunshots rang out disturbed the normally quiet streets and scared the residents.
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 13 Countries Vote Against Anti-Israel Resolutions In The UNDuring the 74th General Assembly, some 20 Anti-Israel United Nations Resolutions will be voted upon. Among them, five of those resolutions passed on Tuesday. However, even though those resolutions passed, 13 countries voted against them for the first time, changing their vote from their usual abstention vote.

MAZEL TOV! 19-Year-Old Sephardic Yeshiva Bochur Finishes “Entire” TorahIt is hard to say what constitutes the entire wealth of Torah, but a 19-year-old yeshiva bochur from Yeshivat Nachlas Dovid in Petach Tikvah made a siyum on Tuesday night on the following corpus of Torah literature: Shas both Bavli and Yerushalmi, Mishnah, All of the Tosefta, all of the Rambam’s writings, Arba Turim, the Shulchan Aruch with all of the commentaries, and the Mishna Berurah.

Fire Demands Evacuating Homes in the Northern Israeli Community of ShlomiA fire burning out of control on Thursday morning compelled the evacuation of homes in the northern border community of Shlomi. A frontal command post was set up as the fire continued spreading, with the fire commander ordering the evacuation of the frontline homes.
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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman FOR It is a toy, of sorts, or a device – that wives across America are purchasing for their husbands.  Why?  Because now, on account of this man-oriented device (or man-toy) their husbands are busy scouring the entire house eliminating flies, bugs, mosquitoes, drain flies, and other household pests. “Our […]

Profs Make Impeachment Case; Democrats Say They’re All InThree leading legal scholars testified Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s attempts to have Ukraine investigate Democratic rivals are grounds for impeachment, bolstering the Democrats’ case as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made sure they’re prepared for that momentous next step.

 Mexicans Scale Trump’s $150M Border Wall Weeks After Boasting ‘Virtually Impenetrable’Footage has emerged of a migrant brazenly climbing over Donald Trump’s new of US-Mexico border wall.
It comes just weeks after the US president bragged his wall as “virtually impenetrable” during a trip to the exact same $150 Million stretch of the barrier in California.

Belgium Chooses Outrageous Anti-Semitic Imagery Over UNESCO StatusThe Belgian town of Aalst is so attached to its anti-Semitic parade floats in its annual satirical carnival that it chose to relinquish its UN cultural heritage status rather than agreeing to cease displaying blatantly outrageous anti-Semitic imagery.
