The autopsies of the bodies of the six hostages rescued from Gaza on Shabbos revealed that all six had signs of gunshot wounds in their heads and other parts of their bodies, Ynet reported on Sunday. IDF officials estimate that they were murdered in the previous 48 hours. One of the hostages’ bodies bore signs of being tied up. The conditions of the bodies also showed that the hostages had been systematically neglected, and among other things, they had not showered for an extended period of time. IDF forces found the bodies in a tunnel about 20 meters deep in Rafah, about one kilometer away from the tunnel where Bedouin-Israeli hostage Farhan Al-Qadi was found.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu released a recorded message on Sunday morning following the announcement earlier in the morning that the IDF had rescued the bodies of six hostages who were recently murdered by Hamas. It should be noted that Netanyahu’s statements come after left-wing groups, who have conveniently forgotten that their protests encouraged Hamas to carry out their murderous plans,  piggybacked on the tragic news to attack the government, blaming it for the lack of a hostage deal rather than blaming Hamas.

Woodbourne, Catskills: – Firefighters battled a large fire at the Kossener Shul on Riverside Drive in Woodbourne early Sunday morning, CATSKILL SCOOP REPORTED. The blaze caused a collapse of the building which was caught on dramatic video footage below, but Bichasdei Hashem, no injuries have been reported. Quick-thinking individuals managed to safely remove the Sifrei Torah from the shul before the situation worsened. The fire broke out as the summer season came to a close, with the camp already empty, minimizing the potential for casualties. It was unknown what sparked the blaze. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE CATSKILL SCOOP STATUS – SIGN UP NOW TO NEVER MISS A STORY IN LIVE TIME 24 HOURS A DAY!

There are initial reports of a shooting attack at a bus at the Tarqumiyah Junction near Chevron. At least three people were critically and seriously injured after they came under heavy fire from terrorists in a passing car. MDA paramedics treated a man and a woman, both in their 30s, who were critically injured, and a man of about 50 who was seriously injured. The terrorists fled the scene. Israeli security forces have launched a manhunt and are setting up roadblocks in the area. This is a developing story. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

The family of Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin says he has been killed in the Gaza Strip. The family issued a statement early Sunday, hours after the Israeli army said it had located bodies in Gaza. “With broken hearts, the Goldberg-Polin family is devastated to announce the death of their beloved son and brother, Hersh,” it said. “The family thanks you all for your love and support and asks for privacy at this time.” There was no immediate comment from the army, or details about the other bodies found. The 23-year-old Goldberg-Polin was among the hostages seized by terrorists at the Nova music festival in southern Israel on Oct. 7. He lost part of an arm in the attack.

New York City is grappling with a disturbing surge in hate crimes, with attacks against Jews and Muslims skyrocketing this year. According to NYPD data, antisemitic incidents have increased by 74% (240 from 138) and anti-Muslim attacks have ballooned by 357% (32 from 7) through August 25. Overall, hate crimes across the city have surged by 29% (427 from 332), with Manhattan leading the charge (174 incidents), followed by Brooklyn (157), Queens (64), and the Bronx and Staten Island (both 16). Notably, Queens saw a 36% drop in hate crimes, despite three swastikas being found in Woodhaven on August 14. The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force has made 177 arrests, a 23% increase from last year.

A trio of young Trump enthusiasts stole the show at Friday’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, as they entertained attendees and Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) hosts with a spot-on impersonation of the former president. As lines formed outside the rally venue, eager supporters waited to hear from former President Donald Trump. RSBN, known for its extensive coverage of Trump events, mingled with the crowd, interviewing attendees ahead of the rally’s start. During their interactions, the crew stumbled upon a memorable scene—a pint-sized Trump impersonator, flanked by two equally small “Secret Service” agents.

Recent assessments have revealed that the number of Gazans who breached the Israeli border on October 7 was double what was initially believed, according to a report by Channel 12 on Saturday. Data from the Israel Defense Forces’ Gaza Division shows that around 3,800 members of Hamas’s elite Nukhba forces were among the estimated 6,000 Gazans who crossed into Israel that day. This significant increase highlights the scale of the infiltration during the attack.

Late Motzei Shabbos, the IDF announced the discovery of more bodies underground in Gaza, which are likely those of Israeli hostages previously held by Hamas. Amid social media speculation regarding the identities of the potential hostages, the IDF stated that confirmation would only be possible once the bodies have been returned to Israel and examined by professional experts, likely on Sunday. IDF sources clarified that if the bodies are indeed those of hostages, they were not killed in any recent skirmish with Hamas in the area, as no military force was used nearby. In Rehoboth, Delaware, US President Joe Biden, after leaving a church service, commented on the IDF’s statement about finding bodies in Gaza that could be hostages.

The IDF on Motzei Shabbos announced that an IDF soldier was killed in a shootout with two Hamas terrorists in Jenin on Shabbos morning in a counterterrorism raid carried out as part of the ongoing Operation Summer Camps in Yehudah and Shomron and the Jordan Valley. The soldier was identified as Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon, H”yd, 20, from Petach Tikvah. He served as a squad commander in the 906th Battalion of the Bislamach Brigade. He was the fourth talmid of the Hesder Yeshivah in Kiryat Shmona to fall in battle since October 7. At about 6 a.m., IDF forces approached a building in Jenin that housed terrorists. Two senior Hamas terrorists who were both responsible for numerous terror attacks, managed to surprise them, opening fire from close range.
