Report quotes directors-general getting into heated argument over potential lockdown, with health chief warning 'we'll collapse' if far-reaching measures to stop virus not taken

When online teaching officially ended on March 18, many parents protested the loss of an ‘anchor’ for children in a period of anxiety and uncertainty

Government reportedly to announce strictest limitations yet, including shuttering all stores but food markets and pharmacies and keeping people within 150 meters of home

Summer vacation, fall holidays to be shortened; teachers reach agreement with treasury, will get paid leave until after Passover

Will the Blue and White chief be able to follow through on replacing Netanyahu in the middle of a health crisis of epic proportions?

Chief economist says new measures to stem outbreak in Israel, global downturn will drop growth by 3% and bring economy to a standstill

Three-way summit held by the president comes after he said he would task the Blue and White leader with forming a coalition following recommendations by a majority of MKs

Taxes and utility bills to be postponed for up to 2 months; self-employed workers to receive up to NIS 7,000; employers vow to wait with layoffs until after Passover

Hawkish Yisrael Beytenu party leader Liberman joins Arab lawmakers in endorsing Blue and White leader for premier, giving him first shot at forming a government

Netanyahu places cards on table, calling on Blue and White to join unity government; Gantz: Someone who wants unity doesn't delay their trial at 1 a.m.
