Channels unearthed in Jerusalem's City of David site last in use around 9th century BCE, likely formed part of city's economy due to location near temple and palace
2,700-year-old inscribed papyrus, a letter to 'Ishmael' written in early Hebrew script, joins only two others from biblical times. But that's just the beginning of the story
A group of dedicated activists has been reinterpreting Jewish law, shifting public discourse and challenging the status quo on one of the most contentious places on Earth
In burnt papers, British scientist tried to calculate the Great Pyramid's dimensions to determine the size of Solomon's Temple, in hopes of uncovering the timing of the Apocalypse
23-gram limestone weight displays 'very rare' -- and perhaps ignorant -- craftsmanship by local who was likely unfamiliar with Egyptian style used at the time
On July 29, Jews around the world will observe Tisha B’av commemorating destruction of two temples in Jerusalem, first by Babylonians, and then by the Romans
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