Fire services began evacuating residents of Kibbutz Ma'ale Hahamisha; Jerusalem-Tel Aviv train service halted

Syrian Health Ministry says 3 people died in Homs, Tartus and Latakia provinces; authorities in both countries yet to reveal full extent of damage from blazes

Residents of nearby community of Tslafon told to leave their homes; firefighting plane deployed to help control flames

A Tu B'Shvat event in San Francisco jointly celebrated by Wilderness Torah and JeWitch Collective focuses on power of fire and native knowledge

Strong winds fan flames toward Mevaseret Zion; firefighters battle blaze, supported by aircraft

Jerusalem, which in the past has offered disaster aid to countries it doesn't have diplomatic relations with, not asked and not planning to send help

Around 2 million people expected to be affected for up to several days after power company pulls the plug to stop wildfires

Emergency services gain control of blaze before damage to property; more fires in north of country as summer heat takes its toll

Firefighters put out blaze on Mount Tabor, say no damage caused to Basilica of the Transfiguration

Worshipers believe Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah on the site of the Basilica of the Transfiguration; church visited by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims each year
