David Horovitz and Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman examine rising tension on the Gaza border and Israel's attempts to battle the raging spread of the Delta variant

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman talks about the prime minister's upcoming trip to the US while senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur examines Israel's forestry policies

According to Kan, forensic evidence has been found on the ground that could point to a fire started deliberately; Shin Bet aiding probe

After dramatic evacuation of Eitanim during huge blaze, staff meet cops who risked their lives to save them and recall earlier desperation: 'There was nothing we could do'

Fresh conflagrations come days after huge wildfire that destroyed large forested area was brought under control; Environmental Protection Ministry lifts air pollution warning

Government accuses two local groups that it claims are being supported by the 'Zionist entity' and Morocco

Cmdr. Kobi Yaakobi says he had to make quick, tough decisions in early stages of huge blaze near Jerusalem to avoid repeat of 2010 Carmel disaster, which killed 44 people

Hundreds of thousands of small animals feared burned to death, with massive damage to fungi and insects, the basis of the web of life

Harp maker finds that his gallery, with 40 years of work, has gone up in flames; Prime Minister's Office reportedly agrees to provide compensation for those who suffered damage

Officials say no more danger to homes and many residents being allowed to return after evacuating from large blaze, but PM expresses concern that flames could move toward capital
