Election outcome, which saw strong performances from far-right National Rally and Melenchon's left-wing coalition, will make it harder for President Macron to implement his agenda

Newly reelected president expected to struggle to secure promised tax cuts and welfare reform after election gains by left-wing Melenchon and far-right Le Pen

Voters are selecting the 577 members of the National Assembly; a strong showing from Jean-Luc Melenchon's coalition could turn French president into a shackled second-term leader

Less than half of France's 48.7 million voters turn out to cast ballots in parliamentary elections; far-right Le Pen expected to gain seats

President's centrist alliance faces neck-and-neck challenge from left as polls are expected to see fewer voters

Appeals court confirms earlier ruling that ex-presidential candidate didn't deny crimes against humanity by saying Philippe Pétain sacrificed foreign Jews to save Jewish citizens

Nationalists gain over 40% of French votes, coming closer than ever to the Élysée Palace and entrenching racism and xenophobia in the mainstream

At celebration, atmosphere is restrained with the realization that people had not voted for him, but rather against his far-right rival Le Pen

Despite his clear victory over Marine Le Pen, there is mounting concern with her showing marking the closest the far-right has come to taking power in France

Deadly incident comes on night of French presidential elections; police say car was speeding at officers against direction of traffic
