At back-to-back rallies, rivals Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour square off in effort to gain supporters and highlight their anti-immigration, anti-Islam positions

Upcoming vote in April has been marked by repeated clashes over the national narrative

In press conference, French leader takes Boris Johnson to task amid quarrels tied to Brexit and submarine deal

Jewish presidential candidate was injured in the wrist amid brawls that erupted between supporters and protesters as he took the stage and began to speak

Controversial commentator lightly hurt when man grabs his arm as he heads toward stage; fighting breaks out and supporters throw chairs at activists with 'No to Racism' t-shirts

Eric Zemmour, whose anti-migrant and anti-Islam comments have drawn comparisons to former US president Trump, announced his candidacy with the slogan, 'Impossible is not French'

If elected in April, Valérie Pécresse vows to break with incumbent president's centrist policies

Members of The Republicans set to decide on who will challenge Macron in next year's election; candidates include MP vowing to defend 'Jewish-Christian' France from Islam

Son of Algerian Jewish migrant parents made a name for himself railing against 'colonization' of France by Muslims whose religion he views as 'incompatible' with French values

Ultra-nationalist TV pundit, who has yet to formally announce candidacy, speaks to a packed room of French expat voters at event promoting new book
