Haim Korsia tells TV station that Eric Zemmour, a journalist and far-right provocateur, is 'certainly' a racist; remarks slammed as 'nonsensical' by mainstream French-Jewish paper

Eric Zemmour, 'Trump-like' TV personality with repeated hate speech convictions, is finding fervent audiences for his anti-Islam invective and distortion of France's WWII Nazi ties

Eric Zemmour has yet to declare candidacy for next April's election, but is positioning himself to eclipse Marine Le Pen as anti-elite challenger to Macron

Eric Zemmour, who has yet to officially enter race, could advance to second round of next year's vote, facing off against Macron , survey finds

But court allows former head of state, 66, to serve out his time under house arrest; sentence can be appealed; charges relate to his unsuccessful 2012 reelection attempt

Eric Zemmour, known for his anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric, won't rule out run for presidency, after leaving role as primetime commentator in wake of regulatory decision

Anti-immigration National Rally fails to win any of mainland France’s 12 regions, gaining only 20% of the vote nationally

National Rally leader Marine Le Pen calls on supporters to turn out for the second round of voting and to 'mobilize their efforts to wrest the victories that France needs'

Marine Le Pen's party is expected to make gains and step further into the political mainstream in a vote for new assemblies for mainland France's 13 regions

Two people arrested after president approaches barrier to greet people, is struck by one of them
