As elections near, right-wing presidential candidate highlights death of Jérémie Cohen, previously thought to be an accident, saying it was result of an antisemitic attack

Sarah Knafo was deemed highly likely to thrive in France's political scene, but has caused surprise by becoming the protege, lover and adviser of the Jewish presidential hopeful

At back-to-back rallies, rivals Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour square off in effort to gain supporters and highlight their anti-immigration, anti-Islam positions

If elected in April, Valérie Pécresse vows to break with incumbent president's centrist policies

National Rally leader Marine Le Pen calls on supporters to turn out for the second round of voting and to 'mobilize their efforts to wrest the victories that France needs'

Marine Le Pen's party is expected to make gains and step further into the political mainstream in a vote for new assemblies for mainland France's 13 regions

66-year-old politician found guilty of illegally obtaining information from magistrate; faces another trial for illegal financing of 2012 campaign

City of Moissac, which sheltered 500 Jewish children from Nazis, selects Romain Lopez, a member of Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally, who has been accused of anti-Semitism

Move comes as Macron seeks to open a new chapter of his presidency focused on efforts to relaunch a French economy deeply hit by the coronavirus crisis

Marion Marechal, granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, has been holding discreet meetings in bid to build bridges with enemy conservatives
