New pipe could up the amount of water Israel sends into the enclave, if its poorly maintained infrastructure can handle it

Security project had been started, but was incomplete when an Israeli killed was last month when missile fired by Hamas blew up his car

Video shows makeshift incendiary bombs being dropped on armored vehicle operating on Gaza-Israel border during a recent escalation in fighting

Herzi Halevi tells international legal experts that IDF investigates 'every bullet' shot during border riots, hasn't found case of indiscriminate fire

Gaza officials say Hamas men were aiming a shoulder-mounted missile when they were hit in an Israeli airstrike

Some 10,000 Palestinians demonstrated along security fence but the IDF, with a stricter open-fire policy, and Hamas, which patrolled the border, largely kept the peace

At least 60 said wounded as 10,000 march on Strip's border, with rioting and attacks on Israeli soldiers reported

Documentary film 'One Day in Gaza' draws rebukes for translating Arabic word for 'Jew' as 'Israeli'

Protests expected along Gaza border and in West Bank, amid still soaring tensions following this month's bloody two-day battle in the Strip

IDF sets up barrier near Kibbutz Erez, 3 days after a Hamas cell fatally fired a Kornet anti-tank guided missile at Moshe Feder's car
