Twelve armed factions come together in annual ritual to showcase military capabilities, celebrate ostensible success of 'armed resistance' in chasing Israel out of enclave

Image reading 'Shisha B'Av' circulates online to mark Hebrew day Knesset passed overhaul bill, drawing link to destruction of Temples

Otzma Yehudit's Limor Son Har Melech strongly criticizes IDF, government for omitting three neighboring former settlements from military order allowing Israelis to reside in Homesh

Far-right minister Smotrich hails move paving way to reestablish settlement evacuated in 2005; rights group decries 'incentive for criminals, violation of international law'

In separate interviews, far-right ministers slam 2005 disengagement, stress option to reconquer territory not currently on table, but argue it will be in the long term

Indictment dropped against head of Homesh yeshiva and several others in light of partial repeal of 2005 law ordering evacuation of four northern West Bank settlements

Speaking to reporters in London, official says Biden administration's dressing down of US envoy does not mark deterioration in ties with Washington

Statement from Netanyahu's office comes as Israeli envoy is summoned over Knesset's repeal of part of Disengagement Law; not clear if commitment applies to Homesh outpost

Ambassador Mike Herzog holds unscheduled meeting with deputy secretary of state who conveys concern over legislation green-lighting resettlement in northern West Bank

US says bill allowing Israelis to return to settlements evacuated in 2005 violates commitment ex-PM Sharon made in exchange for Bush nodding at legitimacy of settlement blocs
