Top PLO official says Fathi Hammad's comments made him want 'to vomit'; UN envoy Nikolay Mladenov calls them 'dangerous' and says they must be condemned by all
Enclave's health ministry says 40 injured by IDF response, about half of which were wounded by live fire; army nabs 2 Palestinians crossing border with knife
TV report says IDF wants to end policy of warning Gaza residents before airstrikes, contemplating meaningful military campaign, but analysts say unlikely ahead of elections
At least four blazes near Israeli communities; Palestinians throwing rocks, explosives and trying to damage fence; IDF increases Iron Dome deployment in south after rockets
Tensions high ahead of planned weekly protests, with recent days seeing an escalation in rocket attacks, arson balloons and Israeli retaliatory strikes
David Cohen arrested on charges of illegally purchasing hundreds of thousands of balloons on behalf of Palestinian businessman, with plans to send them to the Strip
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