Gilboa Prison Warden Freddy Ben Shitrit expected to give testimony after remarking on affair during inquiry into prison break

Environmental correspondent Sue Surkes unpacks Israel's new bottle recycling system and maritime plans, while reporter Emanuel Fabian discusses disturbing sexual abuse allegations

Calls for an investigation have grown since prison warden brought up allegation during hearing Wednesday; police also looking into suspicions

Guards said in 2018 that they were put in close contact with prisoners in order to be ogled or assaulted in exchange for concessions, but probe was closed and claims were buried

Terror group says dozens of detainees in Israelis jails will skip meals in solidarity with members being held without charges

Fatah commander petitions High Court after some prison privileges were apparently revoked following September jailbreak; 6 escapees in district court to hear indictments

Israeli security official says no such negotiations took place, adds that claims about the hunger strike were greatly exaggerated

Two of the escapees reportedly reached out to PM Shtayyeh via an intermediary, pleading for sanctuary: He is said to have replied: 'We don't want complications and deaths'

Palestinian inmates demand reversal of measures taken since six detainees escaped in September; Israel Prison Services spokesperson says no such action yet in evidence

Mahmoud al-Arida tells investigators that before escaping, a prison guard noticed a broken tile above the tunnel, and another found traces of sand by the drainage hole
