TV news: Staffer for Mousa Abu Marzouk found to be an agent for Tehran, who reported his movements and conversations to the regime

Ismail Haniyeh's visit to Iran after the killing of Qassem Soleimani sparked tensions with Egypt, which controls Gaza's only non-Israeli border

Haniyeh tells mourners that Palestinian terror groups owe Quds Force general thanks for his backing; vows assassination will only strengthen drive 'toward liberation of Palestine'

Daughter of Soleimani tells ceremony that ''Trump is a symbol of stupidity, a toy in Zionists' hands,' mourners carry mock coffins with pictures of Netanyahu, Trump

Hezbollah leader says it is group's responsibility to take 'revenge for martyred fighters'; Damascus also blasts 'cowardly US aggression' in killing of top Iranian general

In rare rally, protesters call on Riyadh to free their relatives, said to be jailed over Palestinian terror group's ties to Iran

Official from Gaza-based Palestinian terrorist group tells Lebanese paper of understandings reached in Tehran meeting last month

In exchange for massive cash boost, Palestinian terror group will reportedly supply Tehran with information on location of Israel's missile stockpiles

Israeli intelligence sources said to estimate that Tehran has increased its involvement in Strip in effort to turn terror group into its operational arm against Israel

Iran’s supreme leader meets with Hamas deputy leader, says Hezbollah chief’s goal of praying on Temple Mount is ‘an absolutely practical and achievable aspiration’
