While broadly supportive, Washington has reacted cooly to the initiative which may end up strengthening Hamas, just as the White House is looking to renew ties with Ramallah

One of the most well-known spokespeople for the Palestinian cause in the Western press, Ashrawi calls for reform in Palestine Liberation Organization in her resignation letter

Congresswoman of Palestinian heritage backtracks after being criticized for retweet of message that said 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'

In move seen by some as precursor to future West Bank annexation, Washington removes geographic restrictions from three 1970s science cooperation agreements

With no support from US, friction with Hamas, and claiming betrayal over UAE's deal with Israel, Palestinian leadership pledges to keep seeking rights 'generation after generation'

'No reason for enmity to continue,' says Khartoum official, predicting pact could be clinched by end of year; Netanyahu says Israel will do everything to make agreement happen

Ramallah recalls envoy to Abu Dhabi; Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi minister all praise agreement; Jordan, in cooler response, says Israel must enter into talks with Palestinians

Authorities say rock-hewn Byzantine item from 5th century CE was pilfered from ruined church at Tel Tekoa in 2000, while Palestinians says it is Israel that is the thief

Qusai Abu Ramila appears to have fallen into rainwater pool; Israeli consul general in New York Dani Dayan calls claim an 'unfounded blood libel against Jewish Israelis'

Hanan Ashrawi slams Jason Greenblatt as 'an apologist for Israel'; Hamas terror group says his stepping down is 'good news'
