Rabbi Kanievsky declares vaccines ‘from heaven’ and obligatory for teachers, as some Hasidic rebbes also embrace COVID booster shots for their followers

The Israeli president clasped his hands in surprise at the gesture by the American leader as the two met in the White House

Extremists snatch suitcase containing books belonging to progressive Jewish worshipers at Western Wall and rip them, claiming that Jewish law demands such contents be destroyed

Amid Israel's vaccination success, there are still some 800,000 adults refusing to get shots, many of them Haredi, and they seem motivated by fear, not religious rulings

Video of the incident went viral on TikTok; suspect, 17, detained at the Qalandiya crossing after fleeing to West Bank

Cases in Jerusalem, Bnei Bak, Beit Shemesh, Modi'in Illit and Beitar Illit dropping by 20-40% in last week, while Tel Aviv sees slight infection rate increase

On a positive note, ultra-Orthodox vaccination rates catching up with general population, but remain low in some virus hotspots, according to Health Ministry stats

Trick exposed after other newspapers publish original photo of ultra-Orthodox leaders violating government virus guidelines

All 4 HMOs vaccinate over-60s on sabbath; rabbis say clinics' computers violate rules, and they're unlikely to give approval if there isn't 24-hour effort on weekdays

Yaakov Kanievsky pushes back on criticism of Chaim Kanievsky's order to keep schools open despite lockdown, as he 'believes that the Jewish people have no existence without Torah'
